Monday 14 October 2024

Getting Old

 Just recently I planted some grasses in my front garden. Even if I say so myself they did look pretty good.

However, this morning I realised that I was geting old and forgetful.

Mainly because as I was going out to the shops, I commented to the wife how nice the garden was looking when I noticed.

Yep, I had left this grass in the pot, and just laid it on the garden ready to plant. Only I forgot. I have laid it on its side to show where I was going to put it. My wife is still laughing at me.

Monday 30 September 2024

Trip to Snowdon

 This last weekend the wife and I tried our first ever coach trip. Journey in question was a weekend in Lllandudno, featuring a trip up Snowdon, a visit to Betws y Coed and a few hours wandering around Llandudno itself. A memorable trip for a few reasons. We have been there before but in the summer. There was a Triatholon on the promenade which was exciting to watch and it was also Marlene's (wife) first trip up Snowdon.

We caught the coach in Portchester, so just a few minutes walk from the house at 7:30am Friday morning, then just over 7 hours later we had arrived at the Marine hotel, Llandudno. Four star, but it wasn't bad, rooms were spacious, clean and warm. 

Saturday morning bright and early and we were off to climb Snowdon, well, take the railway up anyway.

Being late September the station wasn't too busy although there quite a few people coming and going at all times, some waiting for the train and other, far more hardy people walking up the mountain.

The journey up by train takes an hour, then you get half an hour at the top and an hour train journey back down. The views on the journey are awesome, up until about halfway the weather was kind and although the sun wasn't exactly shining it was at least bright.

Then, as we got further up the mountain, the mist started to close in and visibility was quite reduced. The good thing is, all the walkers that we saw had all the right gear, plenty of layers and such like. People were taking their dogs with them and even young kids. We spoke to some at the top cafe and everyone seemd to have enjoyed their walk, albeit, some were wet and tired.

Sorry about the picture quality but they are taken from a moving carriage

Then, finally we were there, at the summit. We were worried that we wouldn't be able to get all the way up as weather conditions can change so rapidly. When we started, we were told that the summit was in bright sunshine, as you can see, an hour later it was all change.

A shame really because the views from the top on a sunny day are awesome, you can literally see for miles. However we made it and as Marlene's first trip, she enjoyed it. She even got nearly to the crag on the very top, however she doesn't like heights so stopped about 20 metres short. Brave woman because it was also quite windy.

Then it was off for a quick visit to Betws y Coed. Nothing much there but it is quite pretty, however we have been there numerous times, so we just wandered around and sat and had a chat.

Then back to Llandudno for a meal and a quiet evening. Sunday morning was a wander around the town for a couple of hours before boarding the coach back home. Marlene told me to keep a lookout for a man in a scruffy T-Shirt, walking two welsh terriers and eating a premium scotch egg. Where were you John Gray

As we were walking back down the promenade we saw a Triatholon in progress, it was the Llandudno Sprint Triatholon 2024. 


Some very hardy people there, better them than me, that Irish sea was cold.


And so we left it all behind at 1pm. got home at 8pm, it was raining, surprise, surprise. A cup of hot chocolate and a bit of relaxation and it was time for bed. Tired but happy. Would we do it again, hmmm. not sure, coach travel takes away the stress of driving and I wasn't tired when we arrived, but it's not the most comfortable way to travel if your a big bloke like me. Not a huge amount of leg room and the seats are a little narrow. Decent value for money though so can't complain.

Thursday 26 September 2024

Christmas is coming.

 So today was a little practise run for Xmas. The wife fancied trying to make sweet mince, which she did quite successfully. Puff pastry and some cooking and we had a taster. The cheesy bacon wraps are her favourite as I don't like cheese. Anyway the verdict is lush. We need to refine the sweet mince slightly and then I'll have a proper baking session with shortcrust pastry and also make my own sausage rolls. Watch this space, lol.

Sunday 22 September 2024

Mmmmm Breakfast

What a way to start a Sunday morning on a wet and dreary day. Poached eggs and bacon on a toasted muffin. We have always eaten fairly healthy, granola for me, porridge for the wife. Maybe a breakfast biscuit. However after a while it starts to get boring so we thought we'd change it up.


Saturday 21 September 2024

Finally Finished


At last I have finished sanding down the posts at the top of the stairs. Fortunately she "who must be obeyed" only wants the posts and the top bar stained. The spindles and rest will be repainted white, so I have only had to take the old paint off. What a job, however I have sanded the stair boards and everything is now ready for painting. Probably do that next week. No rush, so taking my time to do it properly.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Wooden Hill

 Don't you just hate it when the wife says, "I have an idea". This particular idea came about when we decided that the stairs and main bedroom needed decorating. Wife decided that she would prefer the bannister and newel posts etc, rubbed down to bare wood and stained.

I did get a quote for some-one to do the job, however £1000 plus materials and it was a no-brainer, do it myself.

So I've started.

Using a rather well know paint stripper I have managed to get most of the paint off the bannister and posts and with a rough sanding they are starting to loook good. I've had to remove the spindles in order to get to the inside of the posts and that was a job and a half. Only broke one though which doesn't really matter, because rather than strip them down we will buy new ones and just stain them.

Now they are out it's crack on with the rest of the sanding and rubbing down. Going to take a little while but we're in no rush.

I'll let you know when it's all finished.

Monday 9 September 2024

Coffee & Cake

 Who doesn't like a piece of cake with their coffee. All my life I have loved to bake, however since retiring I have got into the habit of baking a cake a week. Then the wife and I have a slice with our morning  (or afternoon) coffee.

This week it was a lemon drizzle cake, nice and fresh with a lovely sharp taste of lemon.

Heat oven to 180C / 160C fan. Gas 4

225g unsalted butter, 225g caster sugar, 4 eggs, 225g self raising flour, zest of a lemon.

For the toppin
Juice of one and a half lemons, 85g Caster sugar

Beat the butter and sugar together then add the eggs one at a time, slowly mixing through so that they don't curdle.
Sift in the flour then add the lemon zest and mix well

I don't use a loaf tin, instead I use a 20cm round silicon dish. I line the bottom of the dish as it makes getting the cake out easier.

Put the mixture in the dish, level with a spoon and bake for 45/50 mins.
Test with a skewer and if it comes out clean, it's baked.

Don't turn the cake out yet. Mix up the lemon juice and sugar, prick the cake all over and then drizzle the mixture over the cake so that it soaks in all the way.

Leave the cake go completely cold so that you end up with a nice crispy, sugary top.

Turn the cake out and enjoy.