Saturday, 4 July 2020

Front of house

About 18 months ago, bored and with nothing to do, I made a comment about the front garden. So the wife says, well why don't you sort it yourself.  I have to say it was a bit of a mess. There was a huge Fuschia bush that just grew everywhere, lots of spanish bluebells and many weeds. Against the house wall was just one small nondescript bush that I still don't know what it's called.

We started with a bush on the corner of the house but it still looked awful. Various plants have gone in over the last 10 years but I didn't like them so now I've done my own thing.

I started by trimming the bush on the corner and making it look presentable. The little box hedge below it got a haircut as well (social distancing was obeyed, lol) and now it looks ok.

Then I dug out the whole of the corner nearest the pavement, took as many roots as I could find out and planted it with low growing conifers etc. I love Rosemary as a bush and planted that as well. A few large rocks that we had were placed randomly and I think it looks pretty good. I keep getting the odd fuschia root poking through but up it comes.

Last summer I planted a hydrangea bush and it's doing quite well. Although the fron of the house is covered in gravel, there's some decent soil underneath and I feed the plants regularly

Then late last year I moved a climbing rose that wasn't doing very well, planted it in front of the window on a trellis and it's already going great guns. We've had a few lovely white flowers off it but it's going to need a bit more traininig around the trellis and by next summer it should look beautiful. I'm very pleased with it all. Maybe I'll get a second rose but haven't decided yet.